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The Four Pillars

In 1919, The American Legion was founded on four pillars.  Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation’s veterans, its servicemembers, their families, the youth of America and ordinary citizens. These programs make a difference in hundreds of thousands of lives each year.


Our organization’s positions and programs are guided by resolutions passed by American Legion National Convention delegates, and by committee and commission members who represent 2.5 million wartime veterans and their families. These programs, and the men and women who take the time to perform them allow The American Legion to make a difference on the local, state and national levels.


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Purpose: To insure that any child of a veteran in need of care and protection shall receive proper and timely service and aid; to strengthen the family unit; extend support to sound organizations and facilities

that provide services for children and youth; and to maintain a well-rounded program that meets the needs

of the young people in their respective community.

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